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Office Hours
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
BTAC Employment Services
Finding the right career path matters when it comes to being healthy. We know that Unemployment, Living in Poverty and Discrimination all contribute to the health risks of black people and we want you to Be Well! BTAC Employment Services provides information, counseling and advocacy to help improve the quality of life of Black Transgender people. We connect individuals to trans-friendly jobs, services, skills-based training and other essential services to help position you for success!
Services for Job Seekers
Get Help! Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request today to get information to help you prepare for, find, train, obtain, maintain and advance in a career that suits your strengths, lifestyle and goal to ensure a sustainable livelihood.
BTAC Cares! We partner with national experts, licensed/registered, professionally trained workforce development community resources and other agencies to help you plan for a career that is meaningful to you and to our society. We can help with:
- Career Path Exploration & Goal Setting
- Skill & Interest Assessments
- Professional Etiquette and Communication Coaching
- Professional Attire Coaching & Closet for Work Wear
Get Help, Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request
BTAC Cares! We partner with national experts, licensed/registered, professionally trained workforce development community resources and other agencies to help you plan for a career that is meaningful to you and to our society. We can help with:
- Job/Internship Application Preparation
- Résumé/Cover Letter Development
- Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews
- Job/Internship Search Preparation
- LinkedIn/Social Media Networking and Branding
Get Help, Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request
BTAC Cares! We partner with national experts, licensed/registered, professionally trained workforce development community resources and other agencies to help you plan for a career that is meaningful to you and to our society. We can help with:
- Who’s Hiring & Networking Opportunities
- Upcoming Job Fairs & Hiring Events
- Partner Company Job Match
- Salary and Job Offer Negotiation
Get Help, Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request
BTAC Cares! We partner with national experts, licensed/registered, professionally trained workforce development community resources and other agencies to help you plan for a career that is meaningful to you and to our society. We can help with:
- Job/Internship On The Job Training
- Adult Basic Education & GED
- Vocational/Trade School Training
- Basic Computer & Microsoft Training
Get Help, Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request
BTAC Cares! You deserve to come to work whole, affirmed at your job. We can help with:
- Employment Discrimination
- Mis-gendering & Pronouns at work
- Name Change & Identity Documents
- Public Accommodations & Bathrooms At Work
- Employers with Trans Affirming Benefits
Get Help, Submit your FREE Employment Support Services Request
Make An Appointment
To schedule an one-on-one appointment with an employment specialist, please make your appointment online. You can select the employment service need, date and time that most conveniently works with your schedule, and book your virtual employment appointment directly online. Appointments are available 10am-1:45pm CST.
Services for Employers
We want to partner with Trans-Friendly Employers to help create inclusive and safe job opportunities for transgender people. BTAC Employer services include: DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training, Access to Hiring Events, Employee Referrals and Job Posting and Volunteer Engagement.
Are you hiring? We’re matching qualified job seekers with local employers all over the country. We need you to Hire Trans People! All positions:(full time, part time, seasonal, volunteer and internships). Post available openings in your organization to our job board and we will get you connected.
Be intentional and willing to put in the work to learn about anti-racism and how to build a Trans-inclusive workplace. Our interactive, customized, and discussion-based training teaches your team strategies to develop awareness for all employees to thrive at their company or organization.
Topic Examples Include: Trans Inclusion/Trans 101, Anti-Racism: Diversity-focused recruitment, Unconscious Bias: Overcoming unconscious bias.
If you’re hosting a trans-friendly job fair, offering career training opportunities, or any other employment resources, please share with us so that we can distribute them to our community members.
Add Employment Resource Event &/or Add to Trans Support Resource Directory
Employment Advocacy
Black Transgender people continue to experience race and gender inequality issues in employment. US Trans Survey reports, One in five (20%) Black respondents were unemployed, Nearly four out of ten (38%) were living in poverty with household income of $1 to $9,999, Nearly one-quarter (22%) who have ever been employed reported losing a job, denied promotion, and/or not hired because of being transgender. Steps Transgender Workers Can Take If They Are Experiencing Discrimination in the Workplace
Know Your Rights!
It is your human right and You Deserve to have an equal opportunity to earn a living wage that affords you and your family’s basic living expenses (food, water, housing, transportation and medical care) Learn more and stay up-to-date on Employment Rights for transgender people with resources provided by National Center for Transgender Equality. Each resource includes how to file complaints of discrimination or mistreatment and how to find legal help.
Employment rights and benefits depend on you exercising your 15 Amendment fundamental right! Register to vote at Vote.gov
We Stand for Your Equality!
BTAC is committed to helping our transgender community members overcome poverty and employment discrimination. If you are facing discriminatory treatment you do not have to travel this path on your own. Share your story with Black Trans Advocacy Coalition so that we can help advocate for you and reduce future discrimination experienced by our greater transgender community.